Feedback Administrator Guide
Once the Adviser has sent the Action Plan to the student, they will receive an email with two links:
- Action Plan
- Student Feedback Form
The student has the opportunity to provide feedback about their experience with the careers service interview process.
Once submitted by the student, this feedback will enter into Admin and be available in the appropriate Feedback list view.
Please note - the system will set ALL forms that require follow up to a status of ‘unassigned,’ all the rest will be set to ‘Completed’.
Upon logging into the Admin site, a user that has been granted ‘Feedback Admin’ will see the following:
In order to enter the service, the user can click the ‘Careers’ button.
On the left-hand navigation panel is the ‘Student Feedback’ menu item. When clicked will display the various feedback list views available.
Each list view will display the same information in table form, the action button will always appear as a ‘View’ button to allow the user to enter a read-only view of the feedback form (with the exception of the ‘Show/Hide Application Reference’ button)
- Unassigned – this list will contain, all new feedback forms submitted that require follow up.
- Assigned – this list will contain, all feedback forms requiring follow up that have been assigned to advisers by unit managers.
- InProgress – this list will contain, all feedback forms which are being processed by Advisers.
- Complete – this list will contain all feedback forms that have been completed.
Each list view is can be filtered by typing into the free text area labelled ‘Filter’ which appears under each of the table headings. For example, you can display all forms submitted with comments added, by using the comments added filter.
Where feedback has been received which has indicated that it requires Adviser follow-up, it is the role of the Unit Manager to assign this feedback.
Student Feedback Details View
Click ‘View’ in any of the feedback list views to enter ‘Student Feedback Details View’
This view is Read Only – the user can navigate through the Feedback and Action History panels to view further details. All feedback forms that require follow up will display a red contact box detailing the students preferred contact method.
The Action History panel will document all actions performed on this feedback, recording the action, user, date and time performed.
Feedback Not Requiring Follow Up
All feedback forms which do not require follow up will enter the system as ‘completed’ and be available for view. These forms will essentially be anonymous and will only contain the school and year group for that student. The application ID will not be visible and there will be no red contact box displayed.
If the identity of the student is required for a valid child protection reason, the Feedback admin has the ability to retrieve the student’s application ID, thus allowing the student to be identified.
Retrieving the Student Application Reference
To retrieve the student’s application reference ID,
- Click the orange ‘Show/Hide Application Reference’ button
This will trigger:
- The Application Reference information to be displayed under Year Group
This Application Reference number can then be communicated to the authorised person to allow them to identify the student. To hide the Student Application Reference
- Click the ‘Show/Hide Application Reference’ button again
This will trigger:
- The Application Reference information to be hidden from view again